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    Cathodic protection systems

    Texas Green Energy has designed a comprehensive solution to remote control of cathodic protection systems. Thanks to the work of dedicated researchers, Texas Green Energy will be delivering the new cathodic protection system as a turn key system to the market.

    Check out this article to learn more about their corrosion protection system and to learn more about the Capstone design process these students completed.

  • hexa Transportation and Logistics HTML template

    DC Powerline Safety Retrofitting

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel sapien et lacus tempus varius. In finibus lorem vel neque vulputate, vel porta magna molestie. Sed eu egestas ex, a posuere libero. Quisque ac placerat felis. Etiam non neque ac odio consequat interdum vitae eget sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et est ut metus lacinia pretium. Donec consequat, ligula eget suscipit laoreet, sem orci molestie tellus, ut pellentesque erat augue non neque.